
"Who is Schoolingmom?" Well, for me: I would not be a mom, unless I had been a wife first. Further, I would not be a wife, unless I had been a daughter before that. I'm a proud daughter of Jesus honored wife of a wonderful husband of 17 years...and a humble mother of 8 children (baby #8 is due May 2015). "Schooling" is part of who we are as a family. Yes, it does, indeed, have to do with home education. We have been homeschooling our children for the past 16 years. However, that is not all. My husband, children and I are always being educated by God, our Heavenly  Father on who He He operates...and what He has done for us. Salvation, grace, forgiveness, patience ~ it is all part of the "school" that we sometimes like to call "life".

What grade am I in "school"? (Eh, hem, my current age?) I'm 37 years young, amen! My God has been very good and gracious with me, as I have been living for Jesus since my conversion at age 18. I came to a saving knowledge of Who He is and what He has done for me on the Cross. His Love has changed my life and I have never been the same; ever growing in His Truth, love, grace, and mercy. 

What is my current "class"? (Specifically: What is God teaching me now?) Ah, I'm glad you asked. Currently, I am learning about boundaries. My dear friend was so gracious to help me by providing a book to me as a Valentine's Gift. It's called Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend. It has been a tremendous help for me as I work through what I should actually be responsible for, and what I should not be responsible for at all. It is a very good thing for everyone to know their boundaries, or else they will spend precious time that God has intended for one purpose on something altogether different from what He intended for them to do. There's much more to our life with boundaries than that statement alone. I suggest you, too, seek out where you have been boundaryless and be sure you ask the Lord for clear lines.

Besides learning within the "school of life", I also enjoy homeschooling with my children. We explore many subjects, as the Lord leads us. My older children (ages 10 - 16) are working on science, mathematics, history, writing, spelling practice, grammar, free reads and assigned reads, Spanish grammar, and of course continual Bible study. My younger children (ages 3 - 7 1/2) are working on nature science, mathematics, writing, spelling, phonics, pre-reading (for the early elem and preschoolers), and Bible study. Our family Bible study right now involves us working through the Book of Psalms one chapter a day, one chapter of Proverbs each day, and one chapter of Galatians each day. We have a lot of fun with family worship in our house and Bible study. It's a full life, and we like it!

For the past 11 years, I have also been teaching and tutoring other homeschoolers. I began doing this in my home, and now I do this predominantly online. Altogether, I don't teach as much as I used to years ago, due to my first calling in my home. However, I teach Spanish language to other homeschoolers, tutor in math, and also tutor in sciences. Teaching Spanish to homeschoolers is the backbone of my business, though. I enjoy it very much! All of my courses are taught from a Biblical perspective. My high school students earn high school credit due to the level of work they complete, as well. You can view my online classes at 

I'm looking forward to posting more thoughts here, as the Lord leads. Today, life continues and we must move on with our homeschool time. 

Mucho gusto (Nice to meet you),


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