
If you are wounded, you need to get healed right away. If a swimmer swims against a jagged piece of metal floating in the sea, it is best if he exits the body of water and seeks attention for his wound. This is preferred over the  possibility of infection or even worse, being sought after by a neighboring predator that smells the blood in the water. Moray eels or sand sharks are possible interested parties. Seek medical attention fast, swimmer; or be left with the consequences.

Why am I writing this? Well, true, it is quite obvious that physical wounds need immediate attention. When children are running and playing, isn't it common for them to come to mom quickly when blood is seen? I have yet to see a child with a gaping wound just go along with blood dripping down their leg and onto the ground with no recourse given at all. The child is just smiling along and not paying any attention to the pain of the shards of gravel stuck within the bloody, oozing orifice. No, children come running and crying for help...even with the smallest of wounds. 

Emotional wounds are very much like physical wounds. Emotional wounds are those that affect the unseen places, such as the mind, will, and feelings. There are some wounds that happen very young, and there are some wounds that happen older. Either way, healing is needed...right away!

Depending on the type of emotional wound, it may take weeks, months, or even YEARS to recover from it. However, healing begins today. Therefore, one must not put off for tomorrow (or next month) what begins today. Even if it will take a REALLY long time for that wound to heal, you must seek proper attention to it right away. It is just like the swimmer stated above: if he keeps swimming, the risk increases for infection or predation. However, if he gets out of the water, he can begin the process of healing the wound and not allowing the entire body to be affected (by infection or by being eaten!) just because of one wound!

Speaking of infection of a physical wound: emotional wounds cause infection, too. They can infect future relationships, how we view ourselves, how we think and process information, our belief system, our faith in Christ, our worldview...EVERYTHING can potentially be infected by this one wound that should have been dealt with directly after the onset of injury! This is HUGE! OK, if you thought that is enough to think on...let's go to the predation issue. 

Satan lurks around seeking who he may devour (1 Pe. 5:8). Doesn't that sound like predation to you? Well, if you know anything at all about predators and prey in the African Savanna or the South American rain forest, you will know quite simply that the weak or injured member of any group of prey animals is done for. Unless the pack encircles him or her and provides protection for him or her, the injured animal falls behind. Once that animal is left far enough behind (or even appears to be struggling) *pounce*! - He is eaten by the predator.

This shows us even more how important it is to get healed. If we are seen as struggling or injured, satan will try and use our injury to cause further injury. This is not a joking matter. It is of utmost importance to heal from emotional injury, just as it is important to heal from physical injury. So, help must be sought. 

Realize this: the help that a person seeks imitates the pack encircling the injured animal, like I illustrated above. The helper is a partner that refuses to allow you to be eaten (or refuses to allow you to sit on an infected wound site). That helper could be an amazing asset to your life! However, you must seek the help, because if the wound is not visible, then the person may not know where you need help. It could be a secret place or a quiet part of your life that nobody knows about but you. 

If you are physically wounded...you will heal. Just take care of the scrape or gash. Pray over it in Jesus' Name, clean it out, apply ointment to it, and eat healthy food in order to keep your entire vessel healthy so that you are providing your body with adequate nutrients to keep it well and continue to heal. If you are emotionally wounded...you will heal. Just take care of the emotional wound or gash. Pray over it in Jesus' Name, confess the issue with a friend, have a friend pray with you to add balm and understanding to the issue, read the Word of God (the Bible) to keep your entire vessel healthy so you are providing your spirit with adequate nutrients to keep it well and continue to heal. 

"God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him." ~ Acts 10:38



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