
What do you do everyday? Do you know what? If children do not know what to do each day, things kind of fall apart...slowly. My mother once said to me, "If your kids wake up before you do, it is like  your work began before you did." Wow, what a wise statement that was! She was right, I cannot afford to be just getting a plan together when my first child walks down the stairs. Whether in my head or in motion, the day's plans must be set forth. I don't really need to know tomorrow's ins & outs, but today must at least have a plan.

Alright, so there is somebody out there who is like me and the plan falls apart 80-90% of the time. Fine, yes, let's admit that. However, if you shoot for the moon and miss, you might just hit the stars! So, why not aim high, do what you can, stop when you can't anymore, and see how far you got? It is not a bad way of looking at things. I'm not a failure just because I did not reach the goals I set for myself that day. Maybe, unbeknownst to me, I actually met the goals that God had for me (and my family) that day. Did my children eat today? Yes. Were they warm and clothed? Yes. Did they have shelter? Yes. Did I tie heart strings and speak spiritual wisdom to them from God's Word? Yes. Did we educate their minds a bit? Yes. OK, I feel good about today!

Separately, I cannot allow myself to go by *feelings* all the time. Yes, our 5 physical senses allow us to navigate this carnal world around us. We have to smell, hear, taste, touch and see in order to navigate the world around us. However, I don't have to allow those senses or my feelings to govern who I am and how successful I see myself. Just because I *see* seven piles of dirty (or clean) laundry in my laundry room (eh, hem...or in the bathroom, somebody's bedroom, or -gulp- the living room!) does not make me a failure. I may have been using that time to create a healthy breakfast for my family, color a picture with my toddler, or show my teen how to effectively clean the commode. Similarly, just because I *hear* of another mother with twice as many children accomplishing 4 times as much as I am in a day does not make me a loser. All of our walks are different. Maybe her husband works from home and can be of much assistance during the day, for example. Likewise, there may be other differences that I am not aware of. My husband has worked in law enforcement for over 13 years and he often says to me, "There is more to that story than what you know." Wise words, indeed. So, dear reader, I advise you as the Bible has advised us all: Don't judge yourself by other people. "Those who judge themselves by themselves are not wise" (2 Cor. 10:12). So, don't judge yourself according to other's wins or losses. Only compare yourself to Jesus and His standard for you. He desires you to live righteously by applying the Righteousness that He provided through His Blood, hallelujah!

Plan to win. That's it. Whatever winning looks like in your house that day, celebrate it as a success. Wherever you left off today, just pick it up from there tomorrow. The sooner we realize that we NEVER finish, the better off we are with where we leave off. Reader, you are NEVER done until you leave this life. So, just quit for today, and work it out well tomorrow from where you leave off today.

Still planning over here...


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