
What does freedom mean to you? Let me tell you a quick story. We have two German Shepherd/Alaskan Malamute dogs. They are about 5 years old now; just as precious as they could be. We just adore them. They are mostly outdoor dogs, but they come indoors at night. They are very much shepherds, as they always round up our children when they are playing or running free. They check on and sniff out each one of us as we walk in the woods in a group. So, when we go on nature trails and walks, our girl dog, Jenna, will always check on the youngest of our children and circle around them. Our boy dog, Balto (this name you may recall if you have ever read of the Alaskan hero dog by the same name), will go to the farthest ahead of our group and then run the line of our family all the way to our last member in the rear and then loop back around us again. He just herds us constantly. It is really sweet. I've never been a dog-lover, but our dogs have made a one out of me.

The other day, we were out on errands and apparently, Balto's outdoor lead broke, freeing him. Well, I don't know about you, but when my large breed, large muscle dogs get loosed, they R U N! Neither Balto nor Jenna have an guilt, whatsoever, with making a round within the neighborhood just for the fun of getting a free gallop out of it. They sniff as many cat trails as they can, and eventually (after vacationing for quite some time), they will return. Well, when we returned, Balto was standing in his outdoor area, lead still attached to him, tranquil and calm. Apparently, his lead snapped, but he never knew he was free. My 13 year old daughter looked at me and said, "Mom, he didn't even know he was free!!" She was amazed.


Let's think about the initial question on this page for a moment. What does freedom actually mean? Well, this writing could go on for quite a while with philosophical answers related to nationalism, military victories, principle, and values. However, let's skip that for now and move straight into the main Truth. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ has freed us from sin (Rom. 8:2; Jn. 8:36; Jn. 1:29; Isa. 53:6; Heb. 9:26). But what happens when those who have been freed do not truly understand that they are free? What happens when they are freed, but they just stand around in the same areas and bondages that they were in instead of R U N N I N G with the mercy and grace that Christ has set them free to enjoy? What happens when a believer lives under the heavy guilt and condemnation that unbelievers live under? These things, all because of a lack of understanding of that which Jesus Christ has actually accomplished. 

My dog did not understand that he was free. Do you understand that you are free? Free to be forgiven of all of your to be healed in your soul (mind, will, emotions) to be healed in your physical to be powerful over satan and the forces of to go to the Father, God, with all of you heart's burdens and cares and receive all of His love, adoration, and fondness...
F R E E.

Of course, we do understand that freedom is never free. Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, gave his life for us and resurrected on the third day to give us the right to become children of God (Jn. 1:12-13). Jesus didn't do this because we were so great. He didn't do this because He had to. Jesus gave His life and suffered a vicarious death on the cross to bring Glory to His Father (Jn. 6:38). He was doing God's will. Therefore, whatever Jesus did was God's will. He never operated within His own will, but according to God's will and desires. Jesus is the express image of the invisible God (Col. 1:15). If we have known Him, we have known the heart of God (Jn. 14:9). Jesus set us free, so it is God's will that we be free. Jesus healed the sick, so it is God's will that we be well. Jesus set free those oppressed of the devil, so it is God's will that we have freedom from and power over the devil. Hallelujah!! So, why on earth would we want to waste one single drop of this precious Blood of Jesus that has been given so freely to accomplish so much? Why would we just stand there, still in our outdoor stalls, chains attached to our necks, cold, hungry, outcast, when our God says that He comes to us and wants to be hospitable with us, and sup with us? (Rev. 3:20).

Don't just stand there, friend. We are free! Free from sin so that we can obey Jesus Christ with our whole hearts. We are free from intimidation of the devil. We are free from sickness, torment, and death. He has given us life abundantly - in this life (Jn. 10:10; 3 Jn. 1:2)! He has given us life everlasting - in the next life (Jn. 3:16)! Praise God, we are free!!

Dancing in the rain and singing in the sun...
Schere :)


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