
"What have we become comfortable with?" - That is a question for the generation at hand. Sometimes, I overhear conversations while on errands or walking along a path with my family, and it makes me wonder and ponder on this question: "What have we become comfortable with?"

The man in the above photograph kisses this poisonous viper...the same viper that killed his father. Hmm...seems we never learn, even when past examples are clear evidence of the detriment of certain methods of interaction. 

There are some modes and methods of interaction that were hardly acceptable even so recent as 10 years ago, but now they are commonplace. Even before I knew Christ as Savior, I knew that I wasn't righteous. I didn't have the Gospel message alive in me yet. Then, I got saved, praise Jesus, to the Glory of God the Father!! However, today, it seems as if even the greatest heathen seems to not know or even acknowledge his/her unrighteousness, due to an acceptability to the unclean behaviors, modes and methods of our time. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). So, we should acknowledge it - whether we decide to accept Christ's redemption for us on the cross, or reject least be honest with yourself as to where you stand with God. Further, don't lie to your neighbor as to where he/she needs a Savior. We ought to tell the truth in love (Eph. 4:15), accepting their decision for or against Christ as a demonstration of their own free will choice. But, please, let's be honest about it. 

One day I was doing chores in my house, going along as usual with my husband and children. Well, while I was washing dishes, I bent down to wipe up some water off of the floor. As I did this, I flexed my foot and noticed something odd on the sole of my bare foot. It was a triangle-shaped a rock. I had evidently stepped on it and pressed it so much into the sole of my heel that I had not even noticed it. I have no idea how long that day I had been walking on it, because I did not feel it at all...I was comfortable with it. Immediately, I pulled the stone out of my foot, and rested my foot back onto the kitchen floor. Well, it was at that time that I felt pain! My foot began hurting so much! I was thinking, "Man! That stone does not BELONG in my foot...why would I feel WORSE with it gone?!" How interesting it is to behold what we can become comfortable with. There's no need in even believing that the flesh will make the best decision as to what we should feel comforted with. The flesh has no discerning power, whatsoever, as to what is good for the entire man.

So, what to do? Well, if you are reading this and you have a child, sibling, friend, or even a foe who knows not the ways of the Lord God Almighty, let them know the truth, if you are a Christian.  One of the basic tenets of Christianity is the hope of a glorious future with the Almighty in heaven one day in the future. We cannot entertain these brief days with our cohorts and not address this finality. Therefore, let them know where they need a Savior. It is the very best we can do for our neighbor, for we ought to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 22:39). But what if they are comfortable? What if their sin has become their best friend? What if (like the man in the photo above) we have learned to charm our sins, and embrace them - not learning from previous example that it is only a matter of time before this thing turns and delivers a powerful and most debilitating blow?

It is time to wake up! Christ has redeemed us from our sin and death issue, even while we were yet sinners (Rom. 5:8). What an amazing love for mankind (Jn. 3:16-17)! I pray that everyone who hears the Message of the Cross will be moved to make a decision...choose Christ, that you and your descendants may live (Deut. 30:19). For Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life...nobody shall see the Father except by going through the Son (Jn. 14:6). No matter how much temporary pleasure your sin has you hypnotized towards its embrace, it is only for a flashing moment (Heb. 11: 24-26), in the end, it brings death, sorrow, and destruction (Rom. 6:23). 

Choose life! Say it today - "Lord, I choose you, Jesus. Teach me your ways."
Just believe!

Thank God for Jesus...the Life Giving Bread from Heaven!



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