
What does the Bible mean to you? Well, the Bible is our only true Textbook. The Bible is an incredible resource that so many of us (who have 10-15 of them in our homes) take for granted. Wow, to have the Words of the Almighty God available on our smart phones...sitting on desktops & coffee goodness, life is great! Our modern culture has passed the period of time when folks had to depend solely upon someone else's interpretation of the Bible or even oral tradition of the parables. Instead, you can read It for yourself! It is the main Source for our family, and without it, there would be nothing else truly worth studying. It's our Hub. It is our Strength. Thank God for His Word ~ a Love Letter straight from Heaven's Throne. 

I have been an extensive studier of manmade educational disciplines. Yup, that is what 18 years of secular education will provide you with. I completed 12 years of grammar school (some private and some public eduction), then there was college (with a major in Biology/Pre Med), and then I worked on my doctorate for a year, before my husband and I clearly heard the call to submit to God in the area of growing a family and embracing our roles within His plan. After all of that study work within "higher education" do you know what opinion I came out with? --> "Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ." Yeah, what profits a man (or woman) to gain the whole world, but lose his soul in the process?? (Mark 8:36) Secular knowledge never led me to the salvation knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior. It never struck a passion in me to seek His face. It never produced fruit in me that was eternal. Secular knowledge was, at best, a way to make me have credentials in this life to make a living. I don't discredit the information, I just discredit it's Power to manifest an eternal fruit. Sure, God can use it...but God can use anything, amen! And to put our full trust in "higher education" or any education, for that matter, above the education of the Bible is foolishness at best. 

So you're saying that you never use textbooks, only the Bible? OK, sure, we do use textbooks around here for homeschool and personal interest. We use books written on all sorts of topics such as mathematics, sciences, world history, and languages. However, the other topics are just roundabout resources that aid us in seeing the awesome ways in which the Almighty has moved His marvelous Finger upon creation. Further, most of the time while studying these secular books (say, the history of a nation, for example) we can see consequences of behaviors that were advised against in the Bible. We see the evidences in the roundabout world that leads us where?? Right back to the Bible as the main Textbook, proving it to be reliable as a master plan of the hearts of men. When your dishwasher goes on the fritz, you grab the manual. Likewise, to raise a child to manhood or womanhood, you gotta have the Manual. So, sure, use your books, no problem. Just don't depend on them to make "a real person" out of your kid. Because, at the end of all of my extensive studying, it was only the Word of God that made me spiritually alive!

As you know, we are composed of a spirit, a soul, and a body. Our spirit, well, we cannot feel it. It is housed within us. Our soul is our mind ("thinking...thinking...thinking..."), our will ("hmm, I feel the urge to do this today! Yes, I shall!"), and our emotions ("what a sad story...I'm happy about that...Argh! Traffic again!?"). Our body, well, you see that in the mirror every morning. Or, if you look down at your feet or hands - there it is, your body. Well, as we all know, the body perishes at some point, but the soul and spirit continue on. Memories...thinking...never ends. But how long will secular knowledge be of true benefit in the afterlife? Especially when you get there, you will know what this was all about anyway, lol! Further, our spirits will live on for eternity. So, doesn't that kinda make it crucial to know the Author of eternity? Especially once you step into there? Secular advancers of academia did not create eternity. You cannot quote Einstein's Theory of Relativity to get into the pearly gates. So, if the seen is temporary, and the unseen is eternal (2 Cor. 4:16-18) we surely had better put more of an emphasis on the unseen which is eternal. What better way, than to learn of the unseen God we serve; He is so grandly spoken of and explained within the Bible's pages. Reading the Bible with our family, cover to cover (over and over, year after year), helps us see Who He He is...and what He is like. It takes the burden off of us as parents to "explain God", but it allows Him to explain Himself. We just come alongside the children and guide them through the pages. Holy Spirit will give our tongues the words to answer the questions that our little ones (or big ones) will have as they read the more complicated passages. With man it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible (Matt. 19:26). Hallelujah!!

So, mom, if you're teaching the Bible but feel guilty that you don't get to the many other subjects out there to learn -- hey, there is no condemnation on you (Romans 8:1). You keep walking according to the Spirit of God! Cyber *high five* to ya! Woo hoo! Other moms, if you are not teaching the Bible but are squeezed out time-wise due to the other subjects you are trying to cover, here is a cyber *hands up* pulling you up - let's go! We can do this...together! Get your Bible...get your kid. Let's do this!

No shame. No guilt. Christ payed it all. 
Much gratitude to Jesus Christ...I'm so thankful for the Bible.

Still reading...


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