"What have we become comfortable with?" - That is a question for the generation at hand. Sometimes, I overhear conversations while on errands or walking along a path with my family, and it makes me wonder and ponder on this question: "What have we become comfortable with?" The man in the above photograph kisses this poisonous viper...the same viper that killed his father. Hmm...seems we never learn, even when past examples are clear evidence of the detriment of certain methods of interaction. There are some modes and methods of interaction that were hardly acceptable even so recent as 10 years ago, but now they are commonplace. Even before I knew Christ as Savior, I knew that I wasn't righteous. I didn't have the Gospel message alive in me yet. Then, I got saved, praise Jesus, to the Glory of God the Father!! However, today, it seems as if even the greatest heathen seems to not know or even acknowledge his/her unrighteousness, due to an acceptab...