What does the Bible mean to you? Well, the Bible is our only true Textbook. The Bible is an incredible resource that so many of us (who have 10-15 of them in our homes) take for granted. Wow, to have the Words of the Almighty God available on our smart phones...sitting on desktops & coffee goodness, life is great! Our modern culture has passed the period of time when folks had to depend solely upon someone else's interpretation of the Bible or even oral tradition of the parables. Instead, you can read It for yourself! It is the main Source for our family, and without it, there would be nothing else truly worth studying. It's our Hub. It is our Strength. Thank God for His Word ~ a Love Letter straight from Heaven's Throne. I have been an extensive studier of manmade educational disciplines. Yup, that is what 18 years of secular education will provide you with. I completed 12 years of grammar school (some private and some p...